ST. PAUL, MN ( Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says he won’t be attending the State Fair this year because they don’t allow weed.
Jesse Ventura: Former Minnesota Governor Still Seeking Legalization of Marijuana

ST. PAUL, MN ( Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says he won’t be attending the State Fair this year because they don’t allow weed.
To me that's a reason to go! You smell that stuff everywhere these days and my Haight Ashbury days were left back in the 70's!
Come on man! Be considerate for the children at least. You should be old enough to control your urges for the children at least. If it was for adults only I could see. Be considerate for the youth people.
Honestly, it is a double standard, alcohol is allowed but that isn’t? Both will intoxicate, one just does it a lot quicker and smellier while the other destroys your kidneys
Check the crime stats in Colorado after marijuana legalization. That's where MN is headed.
People were smoking weed at the fair before it was legalized. The rules are irrelevant.
Just ban alcohol and tobacco as well. I think we put down the solo cups and bongs for a day and just enjoy the fair
POOR BABY, must be ADDICTED IF HE CAN’T GO WITHOUT IT FOR 8 hours!! Lots of treatment centers are open. CONTACT HAZELDEN

Whether it’s legal or not, Jesse is still an absolute freaking buffoon.
Hulk Hogan > Pot Head Ventura
Add a cannabis consumption area to accommodate everyone.
Them potheads can't exist without weed. Try sobriety once in a while.