Jaye Allan Pyatte Arrested for Felony Probation Violation in Polk County

Jaye Allan Pyatte

POLK COUNTY, MN – Authorities in Polk County arrested Jaye Allan Pyatte, 33, on March 12, 2025, for a felony probation violation.

Probation violations occur when an individual on supervised release fails to meet the conditions set by the court. Violations can include failing drug tests, missing probation check-ins, committing new offenses, or violating court-ordered restrictions. According to federal law (18 U.S.C. 3565), probation violations can result in extended probation, modification of terms, or full revocation, leading to incarceration.

If this is a repeat violation, Pyatte may face stricter penalties, including a return to prison to serve the remainder of the original sentence. The case will proceed through the probation violation hearing process, where a judge will determine the consequences.

⚖️ Stay tuned for further updates on this case.

I’m Chris Harper, reporting for trfnews.i234.me.

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