Jamestown Priest Subject to Church Ruling

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) The Diocese of Fargo says the Pope has issued a ruling on a priest who faced sexual assault charges.
this now and from the Catholic dases out of Fargo Neil feifer formerly a priest of the dicese of Fargo received a dispensation from the clerical state laicization from Pope Francis effective March 8th 2024 laicization means Fifer has been returned to the lay State and may no longer exercise Priestly ministry as a result in accordance with canon law he may no longer celebr break Mass hear confessions or administer other sacraments laicization does not invalidate sacraments that he previously administered Fifer sought the uh dispensation after adult women came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct Fifer pled guilty on July 13 2023 to a misdemeanor charge of sexual assault in stutsman County he also faced another charge in Logan County that was dismissed I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


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