JAMESTOWN, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A man has been charged with Terrorizing in Jamestown, North Dakota, after telling a police officer he was thinking about killing Democrats.
Jamestown, ND Man Contemplating Harm to Democrats

JAMESTOWN, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A man has been charged with Terrorizing in Jamestown, North Dakota, after telling a police officer he was thinking about killing Democrats.
so how does this make him any different from everybody else in jamestown?
Low IQ and terrible media will cause civil unrest
Thinking about something is not a crime. But it's is a sign that they need to seek counseling.
V P hopeful says "We can't afford another 4 more years of this!"
Hey, china Tim, your party IS IN CHARGE NOW . But good on you for noticing inflation, the border, wars, etc.
Typical Republican pile of duh.
Red flag this one.
Enjoy prison, loser
I'd rather have a random illegal immigrant than this guy for my neighbor that's for sure.
While his strong feelings are understandable, this is a badidea!