1. Musk has over 7 thousands satellites watching us right now with another 5 thousands more to come STAR LINK and he just bought a presidential election. And you're worried about a dron in the air.

  2. To clarify, I think it’s just a really advanced drone. I’m not too worried about it, but people all over the East Coast seem to be, and I believe it’s the same type of technology others have been reporting. I also have longer videos of it and it stayed above Bemidji for hours. I know it sounds a bit crazy.

  3. Your going to receive a visit from a couple of Government Agents they will interrogate you and suddenly you won’t remember anything about UFO’s and your life will continue on without any memory of it happening so run Forest ruuuuuuuuunnnn

  4. US Drones by the Numbers (as of 10/1/24)


    Drones Registered


    Commercial Drones Registered


    Recreational Drones Registered


    Paper Registrations


    Remote Pilots Certified


    TRUST Certificates Issued

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