Is It a Right to Carry Arms?

EAST GRAND FORKS, MN ( A look at the case of Scott Krick, formerly of East Grand Forks, Minnesota and the right to bear arms.
here’s a case out of East Grand Forks Minnesota that puts into question claims by some that everyone has the right to bear arms 54-year-old Scott cck has now been charged with felony dangerous weapons Reckless discharge of firearm within a municipality that charge stems from allegedly firing two shots in East Grand Forks in the fall of 20121 one of those bullets was found in the sighing of a garage the BCA verified it came from crick’s gun it led to a civil commitment against crick in January of 2023 in East Grand Forks an officer was made aware that Crick was a severe alcoholic with mental illness when Crick was informed he’d have to uh meet with an officer Crick called the East Graham Forks Police Department to discuss the civil commitment when asked if he was carrying a firearm Crick said something to the effect that he was locked and loaded but he’s trying not to be trigger happy officers went to his East Grand Forks residence but cleared the scene after cck poked his head outside a door and went back in officers reported he appeared agitated and they wanted to deescalate the situation then law enforcement learned that cck would be going to the liquor store with his mother law enforcement conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and Crick was the front pass was in the front passenger seat he had a handgun in his right rear pocket of his pants Crick appeared heavily intoxicated and refused to uh provide a breath test a signed search warrant was later obtained for cric’s medical records from this evaluation on January 20th of 2023 the records indicated that cric’s uh blood alcohol was 352 that’s more than four times the legal driving limit now that civil commitment against Crick uh ended last summer and on this latest charge of felony dangerous weapons Reckless discharge of a firearm within a municipality he bailed out of the P County Jail on that charge then on February 13th of this 2024 uh he was charged in Grand Forks North Dakota with a misdemeanor of harassment repeated phone calls he pled guilty to that charge and was given credit for 4 days of jail time and is now out of jail with 360 days probation on the Grand Forks charge I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. What was violation for the traffic stop? I understand he shouldn't be doing what he was doing but you can't just pull people over without a moving violation. But maybe I'm missing something.

  2. A case from 2021 about a belligerent drunk guy who never committed violent acts against anyone. Maybe this guy needs a little help, supervision, or justice, but this isn't even a news story.

    What a poor excuse for a click-bait headline. Every day we have plenty of real news to cover. Publishing nonsense non-stories like this hurts credibility.

  3. An Intoxicated and mentally challenged person with a Gun an obvious good combo ? is this a true American Patriot with the competence to safely handle a loaded or empty firearm a round other People (while in this condition) ?????

  4. We are all mentally challenged and have the right still to protect ourselves, limits but not bans, or rights as Americans
    Our forefathers didn't "Everyone but you and you and you, because you think to much or you have daddy issues or you fought in that war*
    We all have the right to protect ourselves! Period.

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