INTERVIEW UPDATE: Fisherman Reports Multiple Shots Fired Near Boats on Devils Lake

DEVILS LAKE, ND ( We now have an interview with a fisherman, who says dozens of rounds were shot at or in the direction of boats on Devils Lake Saturday afternoon.
uh Neil Berg here on the phone with me is one of the people who are out fishing on black tiger bay on devils like uh saturday afternoon so tell us tell folks the story what happened how many people were out there fishing and what happened well we uh left out of um east bay campground at the landing there and shot due west across black tiger bay and went into a little cove to get out of the wind well we fishing we fish a sunken road out there and there are several other fishermen out there just chilling around looking for walleyes and up on the up on the shore to the west of us in the trees probably a couple hundred yards away not more than that we heard i started her hearing shooting you know like uh random shooting uh sounded like someone was shooting at a hard target you could hear the bullets report after the shot like a boom and then a smack boom smack and no one really thought anything of it i mean we i we do recreational shooting all the time sound like someone was just having fun well the fun ended when the rounds started buzzing over our heads and then once smacked the boat so i just got down into the boat and waited until he was done shooting uh he’s probably loaded another clip and we just got out of there it was one of the scariest things i’ve ever had to go through did this sound like a semi-automatic or fully automatic uh not fully automatic but you can pull a trigger on a semi-auto as fast as it’ll shoot and it was uh yeah he was having a lot of fun for sure do you think uh do you get the feeling he was actually shooting at the boats or just shooting out in the woods and didn’t realize there was boats out behind it well originally um while we were out there you could hear like the bullets report against something hard like he was smacking something hard and i know how bullets you know ricochet and stuff and initially that’s what we thought well when we got back to the landing and we’re looking at the boat uh we know that you know we noticed we knew we got hit and we couldn’t find anything so we brought it into the mechanic and the next day he pulled the shroud and the motor apart and when i saw the size of the bullet it changed my mind because the bullets intact uh and if it was smacking something hard you know you’d think it’d be a fragment we thought it was a fragment well once the mechanic revealed that it was the entire bullet it kind of changed my whole opinion on the thing and i actually do think he was shooting towards the water i know i don’t know about on purpose i hope the cops go up there and find something but that’s it was very dangerous and there were boats all around our boat at least 14 other boats are out there we counted on the way back in any idea how many shots were fired well i heard several cliffs at least 20 a cliff and we got out of there and we talked to people back at the landing and that’s where they were that’s where i heard that it was over a hundred rounds fire okay and you said now uh you have the bullet that or a mechanic it has the bolt that was recovered and he compared it to another shell well what is the bullet from well it’s hard to you know the bullet’s mangled slightly but there’s a picture of it on your site the mechanic laid it next to an sks round which is a 762 by five six it’s a thirty caliber round it’s a deer hunting round okay all right otherwise other fishermen that were around us that we talked to back at the landing said that they heard rounds skipping off the water around their area too all right but yeah i mean you you felt uh worried you were scared somebody was shooting at you well whether or not they were shooting at us or not uh two rounds whizzed over our heads and the one hit the boat and i was scared for my life i hit the bottom of the boat and waited until he was done shooting and we got up and got out of there and yes i was afraid for my life it’s one of the scariest things i’ve ever had to go through okay all right well talk to the sheriff they’re supposedly looking into this i guess we’ll see what happens over the next few days here yeah they told the mechanic that they wanted to recover their round and it was very important to them and the mechanic i talked to today said the sheriff is coming out there so hopefully they can find something all right thanks for talking to me take care yep


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