Inquiry into Minneapolis Police Officer’s Use of Force on Teenager

MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( An incident caught of video of a Minneapolis Police Officer punching a teenager is under investigatiion.
hey this is police brutality vote as the minneapolis police department has launched an internal affairs investigation after an officer was caught on video punching a black teenager the bystander recorded the confrontation as it unfolded in north minneapolis wednesday evening police chief madariara dondo says it followed a violent carjacking in new hope the racial justice network is circulating the nearly four-minute facebook video the group contends it shows that while one black teenager was being arrested officers surrounded another black teenager with a white male police officer winding up and punching the teenager in the head the video does not make clear what preceded the punch


  1. One of the most blatant abuses by a police officer yet. The kid was already handcuffed, surrounded by police officers, there's no reason to punch him in the face, and definitely no reason to then punch him some more when he's on the ground under another officer. Fire this guy and charge him with assault.

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