INEWZ: Miscellaneous Items

MINNESOTA & NORTH DAKOTA ( A look at news tidbits from across Minnesota and North Dakota.
here’s a look at some odds and ends of news bits from around the region unfortunately in grand forks as in towns across the region when the weather warms up so do some of the most annoying crimes people breaking into vehicles and garages this from grand forks police who says they’re seeing a large uptech uptick in thefts from motor vehicles please do not leave valuables in your vehicles remember to keep all corridors locked even in a garage please remember to make sure your garages are secure at night uh grand forks police recommend parking in well-lit areas to help deter people if you have any knowledge of any uh crimes like this contact police if you see something say something the spring planting season was already underway on april 20th up near uh holding minnesota just northwest of saint cloud but it got off to a bad start for one farmer uh the uh owner said he’d been working in the field when he stopped his tractor due to an odd smell when he got out to see what might be wrong it bursts into flames a fire department responded and it quickly extinguished the fire but it was heavily damaged and this in from the minnesota department of health prompted by a cluster of hepatitis cases of unknown origin among children in multiple states and countries state health officials are asking parents to watch for signs of liver inflammation in their children especially after bouts with either upper respiratory or stomach intestinal illnesses signs of liver inflammation can include yellowing of the eyes or skin sometimes known as jaundice while the cases are rare among children in about 10 percent of those affected the liver inflammation has led to liver failure and the need for transplant and the minnesota fishing opener is next saturday may 14th the minnesota dnr suggests you plan ahead minnesota has 11 842 lakes 5400 of them are considered fishing lakes plus over 18 000 miles of fishable rivers and streams so happy fishing everyone it’s getting close i’m neal carlson reporting for high news dot tv


  1. This report made me grin! Although the first segment is difficult to hear, that reminder is well taken. Thank YOU Mr. Carlson for a morning grin!

  2. "Also, over the years I've made 9 trips to the Middle East. I believe I'm the only reporter in the Upper Midwest to accompany troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. Again, it was a pleasure." -N C. Quick reminder on behalf of VNL.

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