Incident Report: Man Ejected from Vehicle Early Wednesday Morning in Traill County, ND

TRAILL COUNTY, ND ( We have a report of a man thrown from a vehicle on Highway 81 early Wednesday morning, north of Hillsboro, North Dakota.
Neil Berg here with some breaking news early on this wednesday morning i’m in trail county north dakota approximately nine miles north of hillsboro on highway 81 at 309 a.m we had uh radio traffic a report of someone being thrown or pushed from a vehicle please respond for a mail that was thrown or pushed out of the vehicle hills ramblers please respond put a male that was thrown or pushed out of the vehicle at 955 highway 81 northeast cummings now when i arrived here on the scene some nine miles north of hillsborough at 4 30 a.m uh fire and rescue had cleared from the scene now if that’s what actually happened we’re not sure yet we’ve reached out to the trio county sheriff’s department for more information we’ll update the story as soon as that’s available i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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