Report Of Driver Trying To Run Over People In Bemidji
BEMIDJI, MN ( We had a report of a driver trying to run over people in Bemidji, Minnesota late Monday afernoon.
Incident Report: Driver Attempts to Run Over Pedestrians in Bemidji

Alot of weirdos in Minnesota. That state is filled with complete nutcases.
Sounds like the vaxx is starting to take effect..
Why don’t they bring the national guard into that sh it hole and clean that once quiet lake haven up
GTA is in bemidji lol
Another Trump supporter going crazy again thinking they can do anything without any repercussions lol
Screw these mental health excuses, go get help and get off the drugs!
Moving to Bemidji where all the action is!!!
What on earth is going on in Bemidji???
It's the seventh Day Adventist clothing center it's not a church