Iconic Christopher Columbus Statue Removed in Chicago on Friday Morning

CHICAGO, IL (trfnews.i234.me) An iconic statue of Christopher Columbus was taken down in Chicago this Friday morning.
this is video released by the chicago police department of officers uh trying to protect the columbus statue in grant park in chicago last friday so within the group there are people pushing carts and building bags that had the items to be thrown at police so they had multiple multiple uh restocking of items to throw at the police weapons basically and here’s another look from the statue looking out southbound get to see the volume that the officers were under the volume of attack we had multiple officers injured multiple officers concussed well that was last friday now early on this friday morning chicago mayor laurie lightfoot has ordered that the uh statue of christopher columbus be taken down that lord lightfoot plans to remove the christopher columbus statue of columbus so early this friday morning the statue of christopher columbus in grant park in chicago that has stood there since 1933 came down sparking another wave of controversy on either side of the issue i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye dot tv


  1. There is no controversy about the removal of the statue. We were not taught in school about what Christopher Columbus did to the indigenous people that he encountered on his voyages. He unintentionally exposed them to diseases. But, he intentionally enslaved them saying they would make good servants. He also forced them to practice Christianity. One account mentions that Columbus ordered the dismemberment of native peoples. The dismembered bodies were paraded through the streets as an example of what would happen if the people rebelled.

  2. I do not agree with the violence against the police officers. Protests in this country have mostly been peaceful. Violence is not the answer. I do agree that we should not honor historical figures in the United States whose actions have directly gone against our democratic beliefs that all men (mankind) are created equal and freedom of religion, specifically.

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