Ice Fishermen Trapped on Northern Minnesota Ice Rescue Mission at 5 PM on Sunday

UPPER RED LAKE, MN ( Rescue crews are arriving on Upper Red Lake in Northern Minnesota on this Sunday evening. Open water appeared between ice fishermen and the resort.
some breaking news out of northern
Minnesota on this Sunday evening we have
a water rescue going on on upper Red
Lake uh listening to radio traffic here
it sounded like uh over a dozen
fishermen were uh stranded out uh past
open water out on ice on ice that broke
away this would be on the north side of
upper Red Lake out from uh the Red Lake
remote Resort uh here’s some of the
radio traffic uh at 5:00 and one of the
problems we’re going to be talking about
is that it’s now already dark and I got
a call from uh Resort on the NorthShore
that’s got some Open Water they got
about 15 people stranded on the other
side of it and they’re looking for us to
head up and help okay well what resort
are you going to be doing it’ll be Red
Lake remote C is that going be on the
very north side of upper uh I believe
it’s on Shoreline Drive on on the North
side of the lake I’m responding to the
ice rescue in W private vehicle again an
ice rescue underway on upper Red Lake
Minnesota on this Sunday evening this is
uh out by Red Lake remote Resort on
upper Red Lake on the North Shore of it
uh earlier radio traffic indicated some
15 ice fishermen uh trapped out on the
ice after uh broke away in Open Water
between them and the resort uh fire
departments from several communities up
there have been uh called in to help out
uh we’ll keep you updated I’m Neil
Carlson reporting for


  1. I drove up to Upper Red Lake today 12-17-23 and was like screw this noise this ice is NOT safe in any way shape or form. I did not even get my line wet. After being hauled out past the crack onto the iceberg they all are grouped up on i was like nope not this guy and i bailed. 5 hour drive there 5 hour drive home maybe next year but not any time soon will i set foot on the ice.

  2. People forget: ice is just slow moving water. I've been on upper red in Jan and Feb and saw things go from normal to entrapping in 2 hours. Why people go to one stupid spor way out there when I can catch better fish 100yards off shore is truly baffling.and damn few people ever have a bailout plan. I've drug canoes out on sketchy ice several times. If things go south, oh well.

  3. Heard reports on the south end it was about 5 inches. Had a friend that also confirmed it was 5" and some spot over 6". Can't say what the north part of the lake was but calling your fellow fisherman a moron is a bit much. Every sport has its risks. This is just one of those risk. It'd be one thing if ice was an inch thick but a majority was good ice. Big bodies of water are unpredictable. Winds can change and have unforseen outcomes. Hopefully no fatalities or injuries.

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