I-29 Closed Near Buxton, ND Due to Hay Truck Fire

BUXTON, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A hay truck that caught fire shutdown the southbound lane of Interstate-29 near Buxton, North Dakota Sunday afternoon.
Neil Berg here with some breaking news i’m out on interstate 29 uh by the buxon exit some uh 28 miles south of grand forks traffic was at a standstill it’s uh backed up for several miles here uh it’s now 3 43 p.m at uh 2 30 p.m we had a call of a semi pulling a hay trailer on fire here apparently so fighting the fire up here um traffic is now moving and it looks like we’re going to go past the scene here we didn’t hear any reports of any injuries uh just before this now we were sitting at a standstill here but uh traffic is now moving we’ll take you up past the scene here in just a second again this is in the southbound lane of uh interstate 29 near the uh buxton exit at the 2 30 on this uh sunday afternoon we had a report of the truck hauling hay on fire and it’s still causing a problem here an hour and 15 minutes later apparently had a tough time getting it out we’re in line we should be going past the scene here in a bit it was at a standstill for quite a while here i’m not sure how far traffic is backed up on the interstate here again this is some uh 28 miles south of grand forks on interstate 29. we’re just about up on the fire scene now getting pretty close again called in at 2 30 p.m on this uh sunday afternoon for a truck call hauling hey a hay trailer uh caught on fire no word on what caused it or anything and again we didn’t hear uh any reports of any injuries just trying to see which part of the uh it looks it’s on the should be on the right side of your screen coming up here we’re getting pretty close now we are in a long line of traffic here and uh driving down this way too i’m not sure if it may have stopped traffic for a bit in the northbound lane also because we saw a long i saw a long string of traffic coming up on the way down here getting close to the scene now we got a state patrol car here looks like they’re uh down in the ditch up here you can start to see here zoom in a bit another state patrol coming up but looks like they’re down in the ditch along the highway here just about on the scene the fire engines up there fire uh one of their smaller trucks down and there’s a fire truck shooting water on it right now it’s right up along the highway here so again this was called in at 2 30. it’s now 3 47 so they’re apparently having a tough time getting this out ambulance standing by several state patrol squads on the scene and there’s a bunch of hay in the uh ditch there they apparently knocked that off the truck got a loader up here there’s a truck got a loader pushing it out of the way hey hey has been knocked off of it into the uh into the ditch and looks like they’re getting a handle on it and again i didn’t hear any reports of the injuries so near bucks in north dakota i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


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