Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Federal Tax Charges, Faces Up to 17 Years in Prison

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden

LOS ANGELES ( – Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, made a surprise guilty plea in federal court on Thursday, admitting to charges related to failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes. The plea came just weeks before the U.S. presidential election, avoiding a potentially damaging trial that could have aired personal details of his past struggles with drug addiction and lavish spending on luxury items, drugs, and sex workers.

Facing nine counts in total, Biden’s plea was unexpected, as he had initially sought an “Alford plea,” which would allow him to plead guilty without admitting wrongdoing. Prosecutors rejected the move, and Biden ultimately pled guilty without a pre-arranged deal to reduce his sentence. Judge Mark Scarsi indicated that Biden could face up to 17 years in prison and fines of up to $450,000. His sentencing is scheduled for December 16.

Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, suggested an appeal might follow after the sentencing. The decision to plead guilty has effectively spared the Biden family a prolonged trial during the height of the election season, where more personal and business details could have come to light, including his work with the Ukrainian company Burisma.

Hunter Biden, who has publicly discussed his battle with addiction, faces further legal challenges, including an appeal on a separate gun-related conviction in Delaware.

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