Human Remains Discovered in Burned Vehicle near Minto, North Dakota: Exclusive Interview and Update

MINTO, ND ( We have more details regarding human remains found in a burned vehicle near Minto, North Dakota on Friday. We have an interview with Walsh County Sheriff Ron Jurgens.
Neil Berg here in walsh county north dakota where a death investigation is underway i’m about a mile north of minto north dakota some 25 miles northwest of grand forks here’s what we know so far last friday a woman left work in grafton north dakota and never returned home late friday afternoon a burned out vehicle was found here about a mile north of uh minto and then east of highway 81 out by those railroad tracks i’m told by sheriff ron jurgens that deputies had to get to the scene using a payloader now i’ve learned the name of a woman believed to be in her 50s who has not returned to her home in minto yet but her name is not being released yet because as you’ll hear uh walsh county sheriff ron jurgen say those human remains have not yet been identified on friday so the 18th about 5 30 pm of a vehicle a burned out vehicle with possible human remains in the in the vehicles because of the storm conditions um we needed heavy equipment to go out to where the area was which was approximately a mile north of minto out into a field and once we were at the scene we found a vehicle with human remains inside the the burnout vehicle had a license plate on um so we sent the the human remains to the get an autopsy at und and we’re pending more investigation on identification of that body so you can’t say male or female or um so at this point we’re we’re still doing some follow-up on it um as you can expect um the it was very difficult to identify um anything in that vehicle so did this vehicle crash or is just sitting out in the field or in the ditch or um i was out in in a field our feeling is because of the blizzard conditions the driver became disoriented and ended up out um in a field rather than on a roadway if you remember friday yeah um it was white out conditions and um so that that’s uh um we’re doing more investigation on on this uh but they’re uh there is um we’re not looking for anybody at this point okay did it look like the car had rolled over or no crashing there was just sitting there it was just sitting there there’s there was no um crash related damage to that vehicle all right well it would lead to someone to think that’s kind of suspicious if your car started on fire why didn’t you get out but um that is all part of the stuff that we’re investigating and and i understand that concern and we are um investigating um that all all the the leads that we can try and identify the person and try and figure out what happened okay they’re probably going to be a lot of unanswered questions at this point because of the um the condition of the the vehicle and um it uh it’s not like you can take an id and go and say this is our person right okay so um we are investigating all the leads um but at this point uh there the remains remain un identified at this point i i’m assuming you kind of know who it is the word we got is somebody left work and grafting and never got home but um we have we believe um that the person that is in that vehicle is the person um that uh is a registered owner of that vehicle okay all right so basically in all this you got to wait for autopsy results to see if to for positive id and whether there is any foul play in this and what not we’re we’re gonna we’re awaiting dna um confirmation okay um so it uh it depends on the lab on what how fast that process takes but we’re hoping that we can get that process okay so this had to go down to dna identification it did yes okay and does that also going to maybe leave a lot of questions whether any foul play was involved here or i don’t believe so um i i i think um the investigators and and the deputies that were out there can uh um they’re they they’ve you know they can they do their investigation at the scene and and you know i i think there’s gonna be some unanswered questions yes but i don’t think there will be any unanswered questions about about that we’ll keep you updated as soon as any new information is available i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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