Hubbard County, Minnesota: Sunday Afternoon Water Rescue

HUBBARD COUNTY, MN ( We had a water rescue on Lake Plantagenet in Hubbard County, Minnesota Sunday afternoon.
we had a water rescue of two people from a capsized sailboat on lake uh planted jeanette uh south of bemidji on this sunday afternoon here’s some of the radio traffic at uh around 3 p.m well trammy paging the media ambulance you’re requested in humber county for a standby water rescue lake plaintain jeanette ravi is there any injuries known or what the situation is unknown it’s capsized sailboat looks like chris or clinton from bolton balsam bay resort has mail onto his boat at this time there’s an additional party in the water both parties are out of the water code four clinton mueller is going to transport them back to the boys camp i believe it’s on the northern side of the lake boys and girls camp the boys one they’re going to deal with the boat later any medical or any further assistance one of the parties has a bump on their head i’m going to change bemidji ambulance again and have them head over to the boys camp again as you heard there a uh water rescue two people out of the water following a uh sailboat capsizing uh doesn’t sound like uh any serious injuries both out of the water and we’re headed to shore with the sheriff’s deputies i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Sounds like someone got hit in the head, probably the boat " tacked", and the sail came back around and knocked someone out of the boat.
    Been there, done that.

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