House Speaker Pelosi Discusses Trump, Capitol Security, and Rep. Greene

WASHINGTON D.C. ( U.S. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi held a news conference today to talk about in part, the Trump trial, security at the Capitol and Representative Marjorie Tayler Greene.
again again we are preparing for the impeachment well we have impeached the president but we’re parent for the case i’m very proud of our managers led by jamie raskin our distinguished array of managers working very hard they continue to prepare for a trial before 100 jurors members of the united states senate this trial is about the protection of the constitution and the preservation of our republic we will insist upon the integrity and fairness of the proceedings recognizing the role that the senate plays in all of this no one is above the law not even a president of the united states and trump must be tried and convicted to ensure that no future president will ever think it’s okay to incite insurrection to stop the ascertainment of who the next president of the united states will be by falsely inflaming people falsely about the outcome of the election in that regard in terms of security security security which is what we do protect and defend the constitution security protecting american people our very first responsibility and when they come to the capitol whether to work as a legislator a staffer a journalist whatever we want people to be safe later today i’ll be meeting with general honore russell honore who’s leading a security review of the capital complex updates on the timing scope and details will be forthcoming protecting the capital is a matter of protecting our democracy and the house will not be distracted or delayed from our work that we are doing again to crush the virus to meet the economic needs of the american people and to do so in a way that is fair and just any questions yes to ask you about ma’am taylor green how concerned are you about her past posts remarks rhetoric um what would you like to see done about them what i’m concerned about is the republican leadership in the house of representatives who was willing to overlook ignore those statements uh assigning her to the education committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at sandy hook elementary school when she has mocked the killing of teenagers in high school at the marjory stoneman douglas high school what could they be thinking or is thinking too generous a word for what they might be doing it’s absolutely appalling and i think that the focus has to be on the republican leadership of this house of representatives for the disregard they have for the death of those children they not only are they not interested in uh gun safety and gun violence prevention by passing legislation for background checks legislation which is overwhelmingly supporting a bipartisan way in the country but to have someone who would mock call it a fake if those fake events went to the is just beyond it’s just beyond any understanding of any regard that the house republicans would have for the house of representatives for the congress of the united states and for the heartbreak of the families in sandy hook and at marjory stoneman high school it really emerged from douglas high school it’s really beyond the pale you’re just going to have to ask them why they thought that that raised itself to the ele level of something appropriate to do in the congress of the united states


  1. This wack-a-doodles could care less what the Constitution says.
    Her unrelenting support of abortions disqualifys her to even speak about the children killed at Sandy Hook.

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