High-Speed Chase in Roseau, Minnesota

ROSEAU, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We had a high speed pursuit, after an apparent shoplifting suspect in Roseau fled in a vehicle.
we have some breaking news out of roseau minnesota on this thursday afternoon this started about 3 15 p.m uh deputies chasing a parent shoplifting a suspect or suspects after he fled in the city of roseau here’s some of that radio traffic on the update we have felt like the reason for the pursuit was they were attempting to stop them after a shoplifting suspect vehicle fled and i’m not sure if i know who the occupants are responding and according to radio traffic that pursuit led out of the city of roseau uh south east of town milwaukee drill throughout a milwaukee drill 1527. [Applause] another item returns south on 450th hit the ditch across the field 15-28 now that was the last radio traffic we heard at 3 28 p.m the driver had hit the ditch and was trying to go across a field uh no further word yet if he was captured in this area uh southeast of roseau we have a call into sheriff steve gust we’ll update the story later on this evening if we hear back from him if not we’ll have more details if and when charges are filed in this case i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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