High-Speed Chase in Northern Valley Reaches Fargo After 100 Miles

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A high speed pursuit that began north of Grand Forks Saturday morning ended in Fargo.
we’ve had a long running pursuit in the northern valley this saturday morning it started it sounded like around walsh county crossed the red river into oslo into minnesota and then back into north dakota and wound up going south on i-29 this was law enforcement set up by the thompson exit as radio traffic indicated spikes were being set up down by the mayville exit it sounded like a white chevy silverado pickup with two people in it was being chased and from time to time going through the median and changing directions on i-29 an eye news viewer captured this video just north of harwood oh my gosh yeah yeah get over here oh my god i knew it and that chase ended here right by exit 66 12th avenue north off of i-29 in fargo it sounded like they may have rammed the vehicle to finally end this long-running chase suspect uh according to radio traffic was handcuffed and in custody more details when they’re available on this chase uh it sounds like it lasted somewhere over uh 100 miles on this saturday morning wrapped up here about 11 29 a.m i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. How many of these will it take for nd to get ahold of themselves and open thier narrow minds. Folks up here drive worse than NJ and Chicago COMBINED. Time to drop the hammer. And get rid of the fucking meth.

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