Hershey’s to Make an Appearance at Crookston’s Ox Cart Days!

CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Hershey’s candy company is coming to Crookston next month for a special event at Ox Cart Days.
the hershey’s chocolate company is coming to crookston ox cart days oxcart days summer festival in crookston has gained national attention from hershey’s in pennsylvania following the announcement of their upcoming community s’mores event and custom fire tables built by high school students in travis oliver’s industrial technology classes hersey hershey reached out to oliver after seeing the story in the christian times and said the tables project was a great assignment for kids and thought it was the perfect event for the festival subsequent conversations were had with the festival committee and hershey’s confirmed they’ll be coming to crookston with a camera crew to do a story and cover this s’mores event they’re also planning to bring hershey’s chocolate i’m Neil Berg reporting for kroxan.com

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