Hennepin County: Janzin Richard Dixon Wanted in Shocking Fugitive Case After Violent Assault Conviction

Janzin Richard Dixon
Janzin Richard Dixon

Hennepin County (trfnews.i234.me) — Authorities in Hennepin County are searching for Janzin Richard Dixon, now listed as a wanted fugitive by the Minnesota Department of Corrections.

Dixon, born October 20, 1991, was convicted in an assault case under court file number 27-CR-21-15315. He was sentenced on May 10, 2022, and most recently released from custody on October 14, 2024.

However, as of March 16, 2025, Dixon has officially violated his release conditions and is actively evading law enforcement.

DOC Agent Katherine Ratley is handling the case as Dixon is now the subject of a statewide manhunt linked to his violent assault history.

Authorities urge the public not to approach Dixon, as he may be considered dangerous.

I’m Chris Harper, and I’m reporting for TRF News.

Did you know?

  • Assault convictions in Minnesota can carry sentences of up to 20 years depending on severity.

  • The Minnesota Department of Corrections actively monitors hundreds of high-risk offenders across the state.

  • Hennepin County is home to one of the busiest criminal courts in Minnesota, handling thousands of felony cases annually.

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