Harry Potter books were burned in Nashville

NASHVILLE, TN (trfnews.i234.me) Pastor Greg Locke of Nashville has kicked up the book banning trend a notch. This week he held an event where books including “Harry Potter” were burned.
* Music during the book burning was added by TRF News as a dramatic “counter” to what was happening. There was no audio on that part of their video.
a couple of weeks ago we told you about a republican legislator in texas that started a trend in that state to remove books from libraries he deemed inappropriate well this week in nashville pro-trump conspiracy theorist pastor greg locke turned it up a notch with a good old-fashioned book burning but tonight we release some of you from some from some bondage that you’ve allowed to creep into your homes we’ve had stuff mailed in from all over america you see they are not mad because we’re burning they’re mad at what we are burning while they were pulling the book mouse a story of the holocaust from bookshelves in texas here in nashville they threw books like harry potter and twilight into the fire so tonight is the demonic standoff and so my wife’s going to pray and when she says amen we’re going to slip out right over here give us kind of a second to get ahead of a little bit and then we’re going to get started and it’s going to be beautiful and god’s going to be glorified and people are going to be set free hallelujah so you


  1. this seems wrong, reminds me of people burning there draft cards, or the Burning of the American Flag, this is promoting bad behavior & disrespect towards others views & is a fist to the face of the 1st amendment? This Pastor should not be preaching his personal Views on his congregation. I Do not believe this is what God or Jesus want Humans to do? to many Stupid People.

  2. This is why History is the most important subject to be taught in school this is Nazism 101 right here. This man is a false prophet I am convinced this man is the reincarnation of Jim Jones. And doesn't he spend his time calling others Nazis or hates being called a Nazi. This isn't a real church it's a subdivision of QANON and Donald Trump and I'd be willing to bet money that this guy has CP on his computer if he's even smart enough to use that.

  3. Crazy democrats Itโ€™s a make-believe book. You guys were burning up but thatโ€™s part of the movie. None of itโ€™s really none of it was evil it was all make-believe. So do you Democrats a burn books. Nothing but evil crazy Hitler lovers

  4. His podium looks like its from Harry Potter ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃburn ๐Ÿ”ฅ it too… unfortunately this is just reducing our country to idiocy at a all time low. ๐Ÿ‘Œ now we're going to repeat more history go back to 1692 Salem Massachusetts that's what we're doing during a possible World War 3 that is now occurring real-time this is what these idiots are worried about and think is going to Prevail in any way whatsoever the ignorance of this is just so shameful people really need to snap out of it

  5. Sure Harry Potter is about witchcraft but if the actually read the book they would realizes there's nothing satanic about Harry Potter. People are so quick to judge.

  6. When I was a kid, my family went to an extremist southern Baptist church and some "friends" of ours at the time burned bibles simply because they weren't the King James version ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

    Glad I'm not a part of all that madness anymore

  7. Wonderful! Finally a pastor who speaks out against the occult! All occult items and symbols attract demons (=fallen angels) and give them a stronghold. Get the out of your homes and destroy them so that no one can use them again. Please do your own online research on occult items, symbols and practices.

  8. I am a born-again Christian and I did vote for Trump but this is very very wrong. if a friend of mine gave me the twilight book series or the Harry Potter book series I would not burn them Iโ€™ll just keep them wrapped up and put them somewhere in my house. I could never bring myself to burn those books the authors weโ€™re just trying to write enjoyable stories for people to read. These so-called Christians are doing this for God, itโ€™s a very rude in your face look at me action.

    P.S What were they doing with those books anyway did he buy them just to burn them?

  9. Another instance of some unsettling similarities between religion and fascism. Religious instruction in schools is often uncomfortably similar to the indoctrination used in fascist states and fundamentalist preachers seem to use the same blend of oratory and mass emotionalism that Hitler used.

  10. 0:23 make note of his "pagen hippie" lectern ๐Ÿ˜ฎ my favorite video is a hard one, where he stands at his lectern under his denver airport looking white tent church as hes bouncing and screaming at the "hidden witches" to "come out" so he can banish them or …. is it the one where he's beating a Barbie house with a bible that's duct taped to the end of a baseball bat as he's bouncing up and down … but … then there's the tarot card somebody left in the "pews" under the sawdust carpet on the "floor." And he screams at the hidden witches, again, out in the pews. THIS MAN IS A GLOBE TROTTING MULTI MILLIONARE, not too long ago a drug addict … i think i know the secret sauce now … get high …. get hooked … travel testify … GIT REAL RICH ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  11. Its scary how stupid people can become. Add mob mentality and a bit of economic recession, and in about 100 years these same people will be burning people as well as books.

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