UNITED STATES (trfnews.i234.me) Happy 4th of July everyone. This morning we asked viewers to send in photos of themselves with …
Happy 4th of July Celebration with TRF News Viewers and Celebrities

UNITED STATES (trfnews.i234.me) Happy 4th of July everyone. This morning we asked viewers to send in photos of themselves with …
That last one is really awesome! How many people out there can say Huey Lewis held them as a baby for a photo?!
Thanks for showing!
Happy 4th
I had a few more too.
Happy Independence Day!
Thanks for sharing!
The American Pickers guy holding snake repellent.

We don't celebrate the date of the month . We celebrate the meaning of what the day stands for , and that's Independence ! So for all of those that don't buy into the indoctrination , HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !
2:00 Kahroooky!