Gun Safety Legislation Advances Despite Lack of North Dakota Senator Support

WASHINGTON, D.C. ( Bipartisan gun safety legislation has passed in the Senate without the support of North Dakota Republican Senators Kevin Cramer and John Hoeven.
after a nearly three decades impasse the u.s senate has passed the safer communities bill a bipartisan gun safety legislation bill was by a vote of 65 to 33 minnesota senators amy klobuchar and tina smith voted yes north dakota republican senator john hoeven voted no north dakota republican senator kevin cramer was absent with a hand injury but stated he would have voted no on the bill here are a couple of statements on either side of the issue from the floor before the vote while this bill is a step in the right direction it’s far from the bold action that we need to address mass shootings that occur on a daily basis it remains too easy for the private citizens to obtain weapons of war in this country i think accessing the violent criminal records of juveniles is a reasonable way to try to prevent these killings though really most states have already laws on the books that criminalize threats of violence while senator paul and north dakota senators hoeven and kramer oppose the legislation 15 republican centers did step forward to overcome the 60-vote requirement and the bill now moves over to the house i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Bye bye idiots!finally gonna bring the criminals they call the Deep State /Cabal to there knees and make them NO MORE!!!! Only reason they stage all these mass shootings is to disarm the largest Army on the PLANET!WE THE PEOPLE!! Not gonna happen!! They/ You Are Done! History! Footnote! Toast! Burnt!the creatures on both so called parties days are numbered! U may wanna stop ur fake reporting, well u have an audience of three people so you don’t count much good day traitors!!!

  2. Leave guns alone. God bless guns! Guns have had it too hard for too long. Our senators used their three good hands to show the world that we won’t let the rights of our guns be taken away without a strong and resounding “No!” If anyone has good judgment it is definitely Kevin Cramer who sacrificed his pinky finger to save his grandkids from a wild boulder that was sent from China to wreak havoc on our country.

  3. We have enough checks and balances for legit gun owners. This is just posturing on the part of lawmakers and an attempt to move toward further erosion of our 2nd amendment constitutional right. Guns are a means of providing protection for citizens of the U.S. Maybe we should be looking elsewhere as to why our country has so rapidly digressed. Good on Hoeven and Kramer, by the way.

  4. Anything Amy backs , is not for we the people ! That Trash needs to be gone from Minnesota politics . As well as No Balz Walz and Antifa Ellison . Not to mention the incestuous Somalian .

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