GF Officials Alerted to Potential COVID-19 Issues Three Weeks Prior to LM Wind Power Outbreak

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Grand Forks officials were notified of possible COVID-19 problems at LM Wind Power, three weeks before it shutdown because of an outbreak.
now the questions I guess for the mayor in Deborah Swanson of the Health Department I’ve been talking with attorney David Thompson who’s been interviewing employees at L M health some employee or employees who have said that the mayor’s office and Health Department were notified as early as mid-march that there were possible COBIT problems at the plant can you respond to well if you receive that notification what if anything was done at that time when you receive that information well thank you on Sunday evening March 22nd 2012 22 Grand Forks Public Information Center received an email from an individual identifying themselves as an employee of Ella where our expressing concern about the physical distancing at the Grand Forks facility email was distributed to the mayor’s office in the Grand Forks Public Health Department on Monday morning March 23rd 2020 the mayor’s office advised the public health department that it would respond to the concerns Grand Forks Regional Development Corporation president and CEO Keith LAN made contact with plant management on behalf of the city explained the concerns had been received from aerelon with our employees regarding lack the physical distancing at the plant and to confirm that Ellen wind power is taking appropriate precautions in accordance with the city’s recommendations the public health department’s need to call on March 23rd 2022 another individual identifying ourselves as an employee about me when our expressing similar concerns the caller was advised that the mayor’s office is aware of the prior communication from the element our employee and that the mayor’s office was following up on these concerns our March 24th 2020 Keith lund on behalf of the mayor’s office advised senior representative elements our other concerns again expressed in the email I was assured that element I was taking the necessary precautions in accordance with the CDC’s recommendations throughout this pandemic the city continued to provide consistent information to the public the follow the CDC guidelines regarding CDC recommendations and including the need for physical distancing the CDC guidelines applied to employers and employers alike as the coronavirus moves into our region the CDC guidelines are now more important than ever during the evening of Tuesday April 14th the city Grand Forks was made aware of the North Dakota State apartment that several employees at oil empower tested positive for kovat 19 in collaboration with a state health department in the National Guard a targeted testing event occurred and element power leading to the identification of a large number employees testing positive for Kovach 19 and they immediately shut down the plant which is a key to stopping the spread and now their employees are home and they’re being paid by LM wind power did anyone ever check to see if LM was actually following social distancing and stuff at that time after you told Keith one about it you have any information like because we as a city I could we communicate him and they said yes following we’re in compliance it’s so basic yes this is Debbie Swanson of the Health Department we do not do inspections of various businesses and industries when we hear about concerns we certainly try to follow up to the best of our ability but was a physical inspection made of this particular plant no okay


  1. No matter what happened, the fact now is that everyone in Grand Forks needs to be extremely cautious! And the covid-19 positive citizens, everyone they were working with AND the people they live with, need to follow the quarantine expectations!
    The current situation isn't about fault!!! Moving forward and keeping the covid-19 infection rate down is and shld be the only priority!
    Yes, absolutely, it appears to be that someone wanted to keep things quiet or perhaps didn't move fast enough on this. Again, it doesn't matter at this point, only stopping it from becoming unmanageable does! People or organizations can be held accountable when life gets back to being a little more under control and people are safe.
    AND if people cld quit throwing their used latex gloves on the ground, in parking lots, that'd be great👍

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