Friday Update: Suspected Arson at Ridgeway Apartment Building in Bemidji

BEMIDJI, MN ( We have an update on what appears to be a suspicious fire at a closed, Ridgeway apartment building in Bemidji, Minnesota.
Neil Berg here in Bemidji at uh 7 A.M on a Friday morning with an update on this fire at the Ridgeway apartment uh building 28-30 this is the building that was closed up last June everyone evicted after the city deemed it unsafe uh initial fire call here at 7 30 Thursday evening and I’m told to talk with a security guard and other folks who are on the scene this fire apparently started in one apartment and they got that out and then fire Crews were called back at around 11 p.m the fire uh started again in another apartment now as of uh 7 A.M on this Friday morning no uh official word yet on whether this is arson but uh suspicious to say the least we’ll have more information on all this uh later today in Bemidji I’m Neil Berg reporting for


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