Friday Update: Sheriff Seeking Murder Suspect Eric Reinbold

THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( Pennington County Sheriff, Ray Kuznia held a Friday news conference regarding the search for murder suspect, Eric Reinbold.
be an updated release for the eric grimebold case the pennant county sheriff’s office along with the state and federal law enforcement agencies continue to search for eric james ryan bolt who is a primary suspect in the july 9th murder of his wife leset reinbolt the penny county sheriff’s office still believes mr reinbold is on flux we have not received information that he has gained transportation otherwise however we still uh are riding our search from where the act or the actual act had happened investigators have received numerous tips from the public following these leads we will continue to ask anyone with information that’s very important that they call us immediately and i have two phone numbers they can call our sheriff’s office phone number is two one eight six eight one six one six one in the u.s marshals service is 218 681 or excuse me 1877 wanted the us marshal services continue to offer a ten thousand dollar reward for mr reinbold talking about uh we believe he’s still on foot we are searching a lot of the area in red lake and pennington counties he’s on other investigations has known to hide in grassy swampy wooded areas along rivers and so forth anyone that has anything out of place they can call our sheriff’s office and we’ll go out and do the search believe that he is on the run from us we don’t want other people approaching him we would rather us approach so if you notice anything that looks unusual like missing water any type of food items that you would need to survive someone walking in a strange area out in a swamp or in the woods if you see it on a game camera that you have set up already we want to know about those type of things but do not want you to approach him if if you got any information whether it’s on the on the homicide or the missing person we would like you to call immediately not hold off and wait those little tips sometimes could be big tips for us in finding him if anyone has any questions at this time for those that are here or listening i i will open it up for a few questions yes um over and over again on the internet people concerned about large groups that sort of thing if they should avoid large groups is that something that okay so the question is large groups and a very good question because we have our pending county fair going on at this time we believe that he’s on a run and he’s not going to be targeting any groups of people he’s hiding from us and he’s not going to want to be seen any type of crowds or any uh events or any of those type of things so once again i think that part of it he’s going to be hiding from us not not going into any groups or any of those type of things any other questions how did mrs reinbold pass away i know you’ve said homicidal violence but there’s been no specific details released there’s a reason we don’t release information like that there’s a current investigation going on at this time by releasing those type of information especially since we haven’t been able to con contact some of our suspects giving that up now would really jeopardize our case and uh once again we still believe he’s on foot um he’s uh probably uh within uh uh a few county area from us so that anyone that sees anything out of place at all once again missing water missing food items those type of things we we want to know right away if you’ve got a car that’s stolen or a boat that’s stolen those type of things need to be reported immediately and so far we have not gotten those types of reports on the stolen items as far as boats cars those type of things as far as we know he’s still on foot sheriff cousin one thing i thought about uh if somebody’s maybe a little bit out of the area and they happen to see somebody they think is eric reinhold maybe would 911 be an okay use uh in that occasion if they’re out of the area they can either call our 681-6161 number or once again call the 1877 wanted number with the u.s marshal service those tips are going to be very important for the upcoming arrest of mr reinbold and to do it safely so once again those tips got to come in if spotted immediately they can’t hold off because it takes us time to get to this wherever that that spot might be to be able to apprehend them safely how many officers do you have out in the field now it varies at different times it varies the u.s marshals services has got quite a few people on ground here along with other agencies the sheriff’s office you know we’ve only have 10 but we’ve got other duties as well too so depending on a given day you know it really varies on the number of officers we have each day has been kind of different all along here but we’ve had people from border patrol atf u.s marshals services the big lead in this for us on the search we’ve also had fbi and other agencies helping us do the searching to state patrol so there’s been many agencies along with our area sheriff’s offices so quite a few when you add all them together that have helped with the search sheriff we’ve got a question from austin erickson at kbrr news the question is do you know why mr reinbold was released early from prison and who often writes that we can’t comment on the u.s side that they’ll have to check with them as far as all that stuff went and why he was released sheriff we got another question from joel balman the question is have you recovered any of reinvolt’s personal effects such as a billfold or cell phone and do you still believe ryan bold is armed and dangerous we do not know if he’s armed we don’t have anything stating that he is armed at this point if approached he could be dangerous uh he’s he knows that he’s in trouble so we don’t want anyone to approach him so therefore he is dangerous if approached we can’t talk about specifics on the case because it’s still ongoing and we do not have him in custody yet so a lot of giving a lot of those specific questions uh will affect our future of this case so those things have to be held until um we we get them arrested and and get them charged and then at that point we can we can probably release more information regarding the case about what time were you guys dispatched to the reimbursed residents on last friday i believe it was like 10 to 10. i got a couple investigate 10 to 10. it was right about a little before 10 o’clock this specific time it give or take a little bit a few minutes but it was it was before 10 o’clock last friday once again please call we are still actively looking for him we want them want them to fall safely and we want everybody in the community to be safe we don’t want anyone trying to do it on their own uh we would we want to have the tip called into us we’ll we’ll arrest if you try to do it on your own it could be dangerous that’s where the dangerousness comes is if you try to arrest them on your own and not call law enforcement so make sure that that call is made if that is is there any more questions before we yes um sydney just asked how long can these combined law enforcement efforts continue the u.s commercial service is really committed to get him in custody they have not given me a definite time but i can guarantee you we’re going to continue to look until he’s found we are not giving up um so some of the the resources that we put into this might wind a little bit but we will not continue until he’s found so i don’t think until he’s found we’re good we won’t give up we’re going to continue to look


  1. Investigate his parents!!! They helped him hide last time. They helped him get out of jail and spent thousands of dollars on lawyers. What makes you think they didn't help him hide or get away this time?

  2. Rural Minnesota law enforcement agencies are garbage! They hold information hide information can't get to the bottom of crimes. Intentionally misclassify crimes so the county can evade the price of due processes in trying to investigate. SYSTEM IS BROKE AND DON'T WORK.

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