“Freedom Convoy” Set to Cross North Dakota Today

BISMARCK, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A “Freedom Convoy” is scheduled to roll across North Dakota on this Thursday..
Neil Berg here out on the road early on a thursday morning uh getting word that one of those uh trucker freedom convoys is scheduled to roll across north dakota today um from what i’m hearing uh they’re leaving mine on around 10 a.m going to bismarck and then uh on to fargo so uh not a lot of details yet we’ve reached out to them hoping to talk with one of the organizers you’re probably familiar with those uh that freedom convoy up in canada that caused all the disruptions at that time the protest was against mandates over uh vaccines and mass but as those fall away here in the united states i’m not sure the exact point of one of these convoys here um again as i said we’ve reached out we’ll try to get uh somebody on the air here but again a it’s scheduled some of these have petered out in different areas of the country where they planned on these convoys but at least today according to their social media posts they plan on leaving minot about 10 a.m arrive in bismarck leave there about 1 p.m and then arrive in fargo on the way to dc arrive in fargo at the 45th street petro serve around uh 5 p.m on this thursday we’re trying to line up folks to get some video and we’ll try to get somebody on the line or an interview with one of the organizers here and have more on that a bit later i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. My dad drove over the road for 30 years. I don't remember him "heading out" at 10:00 a.m. to drive around the state on a whiny tour of acting the victim. Guess truckers today have better than back in the old days. Oh, wait, my dad was Reagan Republican. He wouldn't count today

  2. Government overreach. Abuse of powers. Not carrying out duties they do have, no accountability, etc., etc., etc……. If we keep giving a pass each time they violate state rights or personal rights or fail to do their job and then we take our eyes off because some new distraction appears, then many won't know they are losing rights. Then they will be primed for more the next round.

  3. You're a real piece of work carlson… Deleting comments that don't help push your liberal agenda. My comment provided true information about the convoy. Just because you delete posts doesn't give your reporting any validity.

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