Fox News vs. Dominion Trial Begins

WILMINGTON, DE ( The defamation trial against Fox News is underway.
major defamation lawsuit against Fox News set to go on trial go to trial carrying the potential to shed additional light on former president Donald Trump’s 2020 election lies and reveal more about how the right-leaning Network operates the trial could even redefine libel law in the United States denver-based Dominion voting systems has produced evidence that prominent people at Fox didn’t believe the fraud allegations being made against the voting machine company even as the network gave the Republican then president’s allies air time to repeat them New York base Fox contends it was reporting newsworthy charges made by Trump’s supporters and is supported legally by libel standards


  1. They knew their fragile viewers weren't capable of accepting the truth. Even when Tucker takes the stand and admits he hates Trump, knows the election wasn't stolen and thinks his viewers are idiots they will cope and think it's the deep state forcing him to lie under oath or it's a body double.

  2. Good, if it weren't for Fox allowing the misinformation, there might not have been an insurrection.
    Even the owner of Fox News pleaded with the commentators on Fox to tell the truth, but they said they were afraid of losing their fan base, if they came clean.
    Hope they lose , and have to pay dearly.

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