Fourth Report in a Week: Incidents of Stabbing, Assaults, and Overdose at Ridgeway in Bemidji

BEMIDJI, MN ( We had the fourth report of crime in less that a week Monday night at the Ridgeway Apartments in Bemidji, Minnesota.
more reports of trouble at the ridgeway apartments in bemidji uh here’s some radio traffic just before 8 p.m monday night regarding a possible overdose and assaults against 20 30 original avenue northwest for apostle over i was trying to gather more information petey is on scene currently don’t familiar also on second rig same apartment we have possibly two assault victims once going out of the apartment still trying to figure it out called him as initially as two females being assaulted by a male subject and now the male subject is advising of a possible overdose of the same apartment more details on this if and when criminal charges are filed uh this marks the fourth incident at ridgeway apartments uh here since just last wednesday and that doesn’t include the long history of criminal activity at this apartment complex we hope to have an overview on all this later today check back for that i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. The owners of that place need to start being held accountable for what they're allowing to go on there. They should start by hiring 24/7 security guards, & installing security cameras that are monitered in real time.

  2. Ive lived here for 2 years and it was one of the worst places. Was never safe. So many overdoses and gun violence. All section 8 so noone pays rent and they all live there free. I paid $720 for a run down 2 bedroom . So glad I moved my kids out of that place. Sounds like it has gotten alot worse. .

  3. It's time to get the rid of the useless in that place. Could've sworn that background checks were necessary to rent regardless of whether it was section 8 or not. If people acquire criminal records while living there, kick them out, ffs! This is ridiculous. Maybe the cops may want to think about putting a mini hub on location there. I mean, they're having to go there regularly anyways. Why not setup shop on the property? Obviously there's grown adults who need babysitting around the clock.

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