Four People Suffered Injuries in a Fire at a Fish House in Northern Minnesota

UPPER RED LAKE, MN ( Four people were injured when a propane tank exploded in their fish house on New Years Day on Upper Red Lake, Minnesota.
we had four people injured in a fish house fire on upper red lake new year’s day this inn from beltrami county sheriff ernie beidel on new year’s day at 12 39 pm 911 received a report of a fire in a fish house on upper red lake it was reported that a propane tank had exploded within the fish house injuring the four occupants while emerging personnel were responding the occupants were taken to an area resort to await arrival of first responders due to the travel distance to a medical facility and type of injury two air ambulances were dispatched to the washkes airport upon arrival sheriff’s deputies a male and female had already been transported by ambulance to the washikish airport to meet air ambulances a second male and female were being treated by emergency medical services at the resort for burn related injuries the occupants of the fish house indicated they were utilizing 20-pound propane tanks and a heating mechanism when a hissing sound was hurt after the valves were closed on the tank a large fireball filled the fish house deputies located the structure approximately two and a half miles from the shore of the northeast side of upper red lake it was described as a rigid frame wheeled uh portable fish house that had several areas on the exterior that were melted and burned two propane tanks were located within the structure and appeared to be intact the two males and two females were transported by ground and air ambulance the extent of their injuries and current condition is unknown i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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