1. I am from price utah it was the worst accident in my lifetime the one who caused the accident walked away from it, so sorry for your losses in minnesota they deserved better, in this world evil prevails in the next god prevails.

  2. I live in Utah and our hearts and prayers go out to those that passed away. All of those that died did nothing wrong! A silver SUV (driver walked away and will likely be charged for manslaughter) went across all traffic lanes and caused a large tractor trailer to swerve to miss them, in so doing, the Nissan containing those from Minnesota, was hit by the semi truck that lost control and all went off the road into a rocky mountain side. Unfortunately, an ATV was riding along the shoulder of the road at that same location and was stuck and killed. The comments about the language are shameful as they had nothing to do with causing the accident.

  3. It was reported in the Salt Lake City news that the younger woman was also pregnant. This whole incident made me sick, especially seeing as how the person who caused this horrific accident survived with minor injuries. Let's hope that the proper charges are brought to bear upon this person.

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