MINNESOTA (trfnews.i234.me) Former Minnesota Republican Governor is part of the launch of “Republicans for Harris”.
Former Minnesota Governor Carlson joins “Republicans for Harris” movement

MINNESOTA (trfnews.i234.me) Former Minnesota Republican Governor is part of the launch of “Republicans for Harris”.
A loser asking votes for another loser
Breaking, Carlson is also a member of Dudes for Harris
This State just never Learns
I'm a democrat who will also be voting for Trump this time around. I do believe there's a lot of us doing the same thing.
I'm a democrat who will also be voting for Trump this time around.
3rd time to text this. I'm a democrat who will also be voting for the orange evil one this time around.
Check this guys checking account he is a crook
A step in the right direction.
Glad to see many people still put country over party!
Carlson is irrelevant. And a complete idiot.
I recently moved back to MN to build on my lake property! Big mistake! Muddysnowta has gone to liberal literal HELL
He is a disgusting has been politician
Trump is the only logical answer we have Kamala Harris and tampon Tim will drive this country to its knees
What a re tard
when he was in, he was a pos, and he is NOT republican, but a drip off his aunts crack
Frey from N.J , Waltz from Nebraska?
Pukesota what's up with this place