Footage of Deer Collision at 100 mph Captured by Dash and Body Cameras

ISANTI COUNTY, MN ( We have dash camera and body camera video of an Isanti County Deputy hitting a deer, while responding to a call at over 100 miles per hour. Deputy was responding to a report of a man with a gun at restaurant in Cambridge.
– camera video and body camera video from a Santa County just north of Minneapolis shows a deputy responding to a call at over 100 miles per hour and hitting a deer the Sheriff’s Department says the deputy did a great job of just getting on the brakes in keeping his car in the lane even though the hood went into his windshield because to show how dangerous deer strikes can be but it also shows how important it is not to swerve when an animal strike is going to occur if the deputy swerved you could have rolled over and been injured or worse staying in a straight line kept the injuries to a minimum when the airbags deployed the Sheriff’s Department says they wish to remind all drivers out there to keep an eye out for deer this time of year they’re on the move and with deer hunting season upon us they will be moving even much more I’m Neil Berg reporting for I Newsday TV [Music]


  1. he didn't have his sirens on at all ,most like completely preventable . the sound would have spoked the deer and prevented the accident .COPS FAULT .

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