First Court Appearance in GF Federal Case Related to Child’s Death and Injuries to Three Others

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A Spirit Lake, North Dakota couple has made their 1st appearance in Grand Forks Federal Court in connection to the death of 1 death and injury of 3 others at their home near Tokio, North Dakota.
Tammi and Eric longji jr. appeared in federal court in Grand Forks Monday afternoon both are charged with two counts of assault resulting in serious injury at their home near Tokyo North Dakota plus two counts of simple assault in the death of a foster child five-year-old Raven Thompson an injury of her brother seven-year-old Zane Thompson two other children were also injured according to court documents a prosecutor says the case remains under investigation which could mean more charges a detention hearing to determine if either will be released from jail has not been scheduled yet I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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