Firefighters Rescue Tubers from Red Lake River

RED LAKE FALLS, MN ( Firefighters were called to rescue tubers from the Red Lake River in Red Lake Falls, …
and more breaking news out of the northern valley on this thursday evening this time in Red Lake County the fire department called out to retrieve tubers off the Red Lake River here’s the emergency call just after 6:30 p.m. Red Lake Falls fire two sportsmen parks boat landings for water recovery of a tubers nose you just heard the water recovery of eight tubers I just talked with the dispatcher it sounds like they’re all right but the problem here is the Red Lake River is running extremely fast full of debris after heavy rains just talked with the folks up at voyagers view this is just upriver from there these tubers have nothing to do with them they were shut down today because the river was too high and unsafe and debris in it but again fire department working to get they said eight tubers out of the river a very fast flowing Red Lake River after heavy rains we’ll update you on this if there are any problems I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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