Firefighters from the GF Fire Department rescue child trapped in swing

GRAND FORKS, ND ( The Grand Forks Fire Department responded to a report of a child stuck in a swing Tuesday evening.
neil carlson here with a bit of breaking news out of uh grand forks we’ve got a child with their leg uh stuck in the swing this is at kanowski park on south 4th street uh fire department on the scene will stay back here ways you won’t uh the child won’t be identified uh but fire crew is on the scene this happens more often than you think child gets their legs stuck between the swing and the chain there trying to stand on it differently gets their leg down in there it appears the they have the child out now just checking them out but fire department on the scene in kanowski park on this tuesday evening with a child who had their legs stuck in the swing appears to be okay i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


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