Fire Confirmed in Crookston, MN on Sunday Morning; No Injuries Reported as Investigators Determine Cause

CROOKSTON, MN ( Firefighters responded to an early Sunday morning trailer home fire in Crookston, Minnesota. The fire department has now confirmed no injuries. The cause is under investigation.
Neil Berg here with some breaking news out of KRON Minnesota early on a Sunday morning uh we have a call for a trailer house fire at uh 4:00 a.m. this is in Carmen Terrace trailer home park on the uh South End Of krook C fire G call for a trailer on fire in car Terrace Lot 29 General call for a structure fire car ter Lot 29 the party is out of the residence I’m sure if there’s anybody else involved as you heard it sounds like everyone got out safely not confirmed yet firefighters busy doing their thing you could see them going room to room through the trailer home here with the flashlights it appeared they were able to quickly knock down the fire but a lot of smoke and water damage will be inside that uh trailer home uh we’ll talk with firefighters and have an update for you later following a fire at a trailer here in the South End of kooken early on a Sunday morning I’m Neil Berg reporting for I

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