Feeling the Urge to Garden This Spring? Experts Advise Delaying Some Plantings

FERTILE, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Are you getting that Spring gardening itch? The experts say it’s O.K. to start some plants in your house now. But you should hold off on others. We take a trip to Bergeson Nursery near Fertile, Minnesota.
everyone Neil Berg here at Bergesen nursery by Fertile Minnesota joining me is Joe Ferguson so spring is still a little over a week away it’s a little cold out there for anything to do outside but is there anything a gardener who have the itch can start doing right now well yeah you can start to start some seeds now if you’re if you’re willing to do that we were already transplanting pansies and petunias I would not encourage people to start things like tomatoes and their squash and things like that it’s a little bit early for that they’ll end up getting spindly inside you too but a lot can be done with just a simple fluorescent shop light in the basement and that’s probably the best place to have your plants right up under a shop light so they get enough light so that they don’t get spindly before spring comes okay and also coming up next month you’ve got some free seminars people want to learn more about all shapes of gardening issues what are you be talking about well we’ve got four topics we start with growing fruit in the north which is more and more popular nowadays and a lot of people are interested in finding out what sorts of fruits will grow here and we also talked about the ones that everybody wants the plants that they probably shouldn’t because they’re not as rewarding in this climate after that trees and shrubs for your yard how to just work with the basics the things that work and the basics of yard design and landscaping up around your house we like to focus on variety of plants that we know will perform in this area you can let people know what they are after that it’s perennials hardy perennials and roses that is a big topic that I squished together into one seminar I love talking about hardy roses but they in our neck of the woods kind of function as a perennial by dying close to the ground and then coming up from there so we talked about them at the same time as the perennial and I’m assuming you guys would rather sell the annuals or whatever but a lot of people like to get the gray I don’t care what I sell as long as i’m selling plan I I love perennial the fact that they come back year after year now we like to say a perennial is a plant that might come back next year in this harsh Minnesota whether there are some that just sometimes don’t make it there’s a whole spectrum from almost completely reliable to ones that are just not as reliable and more likely to die out but they’re still fun to plant for some people and then the final seminar is live is the annual that’s how you get color all summer long that’s how you can wrote a kill at the end of the season so you don’t get quack grass in the patch like you might with perennials and so how to make your annuals flourish and the best ones to choose all right okay some free seminars coming up here at Ferguson’s nursery near Fertile Minnesota next month we’ll have a link to that online so you get specific dates and times and so on near Fertile Minnesota I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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