Fargo Suspect: “I Hope You Guys Brought Extra Ammunition”

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A Fargo man is facing criminal charges, after allegedly threatening one man and a police officer in that town.
Casey Jordan egund of Fargo is facing a pair of felony charges terrorizing and terrorizing domestic violence a male victim reported egund had been staying with him and that egund had been threatening to kill him stab him with a knife and strangle him when he’s asleep the victim said egund had been using narcotics egund told the officer on scene quote I hope you guys brought extra clips unquote the officer backed away from home and waited for backup officers gave egund numerous commands for 30 minutes but he refused to come out officers then breached the door and a keine bit his arm Egan denied making any threats I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


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