Fargo Stabbing Suspect Had Troubling Police Encounters Before Pride Parade Attack

Fargo Stabbing Suspect Had Troubling Police Encounters Before Pride Parade Attack
Michael Hurteau

FARGO (trfnews.i234.me) – Michael Hurteau, the 35-year-old man accused of stabbing and seriously injuring two people after last week’s Pride Parade in downtown Fargo, had multiple run-ins with police in the weeks leading up to the attack.

Hurteau now faces charges of attempted murder, aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon, and terrorizing. According to records obtained by trfnews.i234.me, police responded to a series of disturbing incidents involving Hurteau. On August 8, he was reported making “gun noises” and talking about “how cool mass shootings are.” He also verbally harassed a woman but denied making the statements about shootings.

Earlier, on August 5, Hurteau was trespassed from a property due to ongoing issues. In late July and early August, he made unsubstantiated claims of being sexually assaulted and was seen holding a sign that read, “Being raped. Help Me,” but admitted he was just seeking food and shelter.

Fargo police have declined to comment further, citing the ongoing investigation, but urge anyone feeling threatened to contact law enforcement immediately.

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