Fargo Man Arrested for Burglary and Meth Possession Near Davenport, ND

Fargo Man Arrested for Burglary and Meth Possession Near Davenport, ND
Fargo Man Arrested for Burglary and Meth Possession Near Davenport, ND

DAVENPORT, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – Robert J. Nefzger Sr., a Fargo resident with an extensive criminal history, is facing serious felony charges following an early morning burglary on August 21st. According to court documents, Nefzger was spotted by two witnesses loading stolen property into his pickup truck in rural Davenport. He fled the scene but was quickly apprehended by authorities. Upon his arrest, Nefzger was allegedly found in possession of methamphetamine. However, the stolen items were not recovered in the vehicle.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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