1. This is illegal in Minnesota only few good things to come out of that crap hole we call the metro. It is a 4th amendment violation. All one has to do is say I don't answer questions, aka practices your 5th amendment rights. This is a directly against the oath these officers took to support and defend the constitution.

  2. Were DUI checkpoints legal at one time in Minnesota? How about fishing violation checkpoints?

    Many years ago between remote curves on #64 between Motley & Akeley the DNR was stopping every vehicle, including mine, demanding to know if I had been fishing and if I had any fish with me? They looked into my vehicle for fishing rods and asked to look in my cooler. No warning signs, no place to turn around or turn away, just stop signs & flashing lights. I’ve often wondered if that was just a ruse for some other purpose, a fishing expedition kinda.

  3. There is the 5th Amendment also. Just don't answer the question. You don't have to assist with their investigation, and they can't search your vehicle without a warrant. They can only see what is visible. This is a Terry Stop state I believe, but you have to be suspected of a crime or committing a crime in order to identify or answer questions. I hope this attorney succeeds. This state is so ass backwards and your rights mean nothing to law enforcement.

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