Fargo Landlord Ordered to Evict Residents from Crime-Plagued Bemidji Apartment Complex

Fargo Landlord Ordered To Vacate Residents Of Crime Ridden, Bemidji Apartment Building

BEMIDJI, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The landlord of a Bemidji apartment building that’s been the scene of numerous crimes has been ordered to vacate the building by June 13th.


  1. Where in the heck are they 2 go unless they are going 2 find them another place 2 go and see 2 it it's the right amount they are paying what u going 2 do is put them on the street and live in a box if u are going 2 remove them u have 2 find a place 2 go before u boot them out boy this world is going 2 pots

  2. Yea, that's gonna do a lot of good. Put a group of people who are already strained in an even more strenuous position and send them out on the streets. It's like evacuating a jail and releasing the criminals to roam free and create mayhem. Just glad we don't do stupid stuff like that in Grand Forks.

  3. Have those people vacate to where??
    Nobody wants those trashy, violent people as neighbors! TF!

    How about the ones causing trouble just get arrested "LIKE FOREVER"!
    That's not the property owners fault. It would make no sense for him to keep fixing things, if bad people keep breaking it. But if the owner tried evicting the bad ones then the owner would/could get sued for discrimination!!

    Why does decent society keep putting up with trash!!

  4. 😂 This Place is The Ghetto of Bemidji Since I moved In Been nothing But Hella Gun shots, break Ins, My Car was Broken into sadly plus The Landlord Towed my Car But her Excuse is "I tell everyone once a Year"

  5. Looks just like the reservation the tenants moved from to live there!
    This is what you get when the landlord is a slumlord and the state is paying the rent for deadbeats.

  6. You get the troublemakers out of there vacate them. Sounds like North Minneapolis for crying out loud. It's not just about the safety of the building, the safety of the tenants because of the crime.

  7. Our building is bad also. It's been flooded black mild and lots of vacant apartments that are gutted. Waiting to see if our landlord is going to fix it up as promised or we are gonna end up like this place

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