Fargo Crime: The Intersection of Fentanyl and Mental Health

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) The latest Fargo Police Department Annual Report shows big problems with Fentanyl and mental health.
Fargo police released its 2023 crime report and one of the biggest takeaways is the amount of fentanyl pills that were seized Cass County drug task force which includes Fargo police seized more than 85,000 pills last year that’s an increase of 120 6% from 2022 but the most alarming stat that wasn’t in the report was the potential amount of fentanyl pills that are coming in and out of Fargo but think about it if we seized 86,000 there’s probably three or four times that amount if not more that’s flowing through the area and that’s just our area this is a pervasive crisis across the country but the regulation of it is pretty much out of control said zaboli zabowski says the murder rape and robberies were down in Fargo but there was an increase in simple assaults amongst the report zabowski highlighted the issues regarding mental health calls and he called for more to be done to help those experiencing that several of those times within hours or right back with the same person there’s also a very significant issue that we need assistance with this uh should not be a police issue alone but we are stuck in a system that does not provide us the options that we need said zaboli last year was tough for the Fargo police force after the tragic death of Officer Jake Wen despite the challenges of getting back out on the streets and dealing with those emotions zabski says Crews did what they could I can’t say enough about the really great and determined work by our department because really aside that initial period thereafter people were back out doing what they needed to do to keep our Community safe and keep each other safe s the bolski


  1. Ignorance I'd BLISS in ND. I'm a Healthcare Professional and left Fargo 15 years ago. We would have multiple fentanyl calls a day for overdose. Please open your eyes ND and get funding for help. Hiding real numbers does no one any favors!
    Lastly, North Dakotans I beg you to look up "Tranq Dope"
    Fentanyl is OLD NEWS and worse is here.
    I'm here to educate not to scare, but the news is out there. Please lock your doors and stay safe. 🙏 ❤

  2. It's bad everywhere. I have a co-worker who goes on weekend morning walks in downtown Duluth. He tells me of all the addicts he sees slumped over with pipes and burned tin foil squares. Especially by the main public transit center on Michigan Street…

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