Fargo Commissioners Consider Fines for Homeless “Campers”

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – Residents voiced their concerns at Fargo’s City Commission meeting over the growing number of homeless camps along the river. The commission is contemplating an ordinance to impose fines or fees for camping on public land. Discussions have included the legality of such measures, with the Supreme Court ruling that prohibiting camping on public property is not considered cruel and unusual punishment.

Commissioner Dave Piepkorn emphasized that the proposed fines are about regulating camping rather than targeting a specific group. He suggested that fines should apply to anyone camping in non-designated areas, noting, “If they’re paying to camp in Lindenwood, why aren’t they paying to camp out in front all the way up to the place right out here?”

Residents, like Mark Boerman, highlighted issues such as litter, sanitary concerns, and the preservation of park beauty. Boerman expressed a willingness to collaborate with city officials, stating, “We want to work with you guys and as citizens, we want to know what we can do to help and how we can make it like Mr. Piepkorn said, good for everyone.”

Commissioners aim to align their actions with the Fargo Park District and are also considering similar laws in Moorhead before making a final decision.

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