Fargo Begins Cleanup After Night of Uncontrollable Violence

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Business owners and community members were hard at work early Sunday morning, cleaning up the destruction from protesters-vandals on Saturday night.
launching gas and smoke right there this was the scene in Fargo Saturday night at First Street in NP Avenue as police began to take back the streets in a struggle with protesters also known as vandals that lasted over five hours how early on the Sunday morning business owners community members are busy cleaning up the mess thousands and thousands of dollars worth of damage left by them all kinds of people turned out to help and clean up the damage here front windows broken out at JL beers and the vinyl taco next door this is Dylan a juvy the manager of jail beers how bad is the damage honestly it’s mainly left front one day living upstairs then go to the basement it didn’t take any tales well what do you think when you showed up this morning but what I expected I suppose so a little unbelievable something like that so but I gotta get back to okay all right good luck yeah down the street the windows of Merrill Lynch smashed out and just a bit farther down the teller window of a Alerus bank here smashed and graffiti written all over as a couple of more people not even associated with the businesses stepped up to help in the clean oh you’re just down here helping out yeah yeah so just cleaning look at that it’s craziness craziness very sad very sad that happened were you down here at all last night I wasn’t no so what do you think er or who is behind top of it there’s a mob mob mentality there I don’t know probably a combination of hands going on there and here’s a look inside the hodo hotel Donaldson windows smashed glass all over folks at work cleaning it up after a night of senseless violence in downtown Fargo in Fargo Neil Berg reporting for i-news TV


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