Fargo Apartment Squatters

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – For the third time in a year, a Fargo couple returned home to find strangers inside their apartment. On July 20th, Fargo police responded to a burglary in progress after the couple, who had been away for over a week, heard voices coming from their residence. Upon entering, police discovered Kiowa Butler of Fargo, Veronica Guerrero of Morehead, and Patrick Samolu of Fargo inside the apartment. The trio was found with drug paraphernalia and has been charged with felony criminal trespass and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.

I’m Alex Stone reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. I believe that is grounds to break your lease and receive your whole deposit back they can't prove any damage was done by the actual tenants. I would definitely move after the first time 3 times is proof your apartment is not secure and you need to move maybe hire a lawyer to go after the landlord and get the cost of the move and any increase in rent covered.

  2. Since they need a place to stay , make it a mandatory 5 year prison sentence and make them work to earn their keep so taxpayers don't have to foot the bill .

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