Family Provides Explanation for Tragic Dog Attack Leading to Boy’s Death

FORT TOTTEN, ND ( We have an update regarding the fatal dog attack of a boy on the Spirit Lake Nation near Devils Lake, North Dakota on Sunday and identification of the victim.
we have an update to our tragic story about a little boy who was killed in a dog attack on the spirit lake nation south of devil’s lake at fort totten late sunday afternoon the victim was francis cavanaugh i have a correction to make on his age i’m now told his birthday was last friday not next friday he just turned six years old it happened here in this housing development just west of the four winds school where francis died of his injuries from a dog attack now i’ve been talking with fallon greywater the sister of francis’s biological mother fallon along with her husband keith greywater have been the boy’s parents since birth fallon says francis was attacked by one dog and that dog was taken into custody no word on what was done with it fallon tells me in a text message that says in part quote francis was sick that day and fought all day to go outside he loved dogs and loved playing with dogs so he was able to go outside where his older brother who was seven was swinging no more than 100 feet away from him he wasn’t outside more than 15 minutes when he was called in and didn’t answer us my older boys are the ones who found him and the dog was laying by him and they shoot it away i don’t know why he was attacked because he had played with that same dog she goes on to say the fbi is investigating and also we are struggling every day but would like to thank the overwhelming support from family friends his school and staff and community unquote the tribe has now hired a person to pick up all loose dogs on the reservation i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Too many people getting attacked by dogs. It is completely preventable. Make it harder to get a dog. Training and registration. Mandatory locater chips so owners are held responsible for strays and attacks.

  2. Rip little boy in heaven .dog owners need to be more in controll of ther dogs teach dogs to behave training . And keep on a leash or chained up or kennel or owner need to be out with dogs when out side .prayers for family .too many people getting dog and not doing nothing with them but letting them run loose and run ther house hold .owners need to be held responsible for ther dogs actions .because of lack of owner responsability . I own a dog its small .but my dog does not go out side unless it is leashed or chained up and even then i am out with my dog during that time and i am interacting with my dog .when i go in the house my dog goes in the house .period .

  3. This reservation has a huge, HUGE problem with loose dogs. People need to learn to spay & neuter their dogs, but many do not. People (of ALL races & colors) who don't 'fix' their dogs don't want the bother. Or they'll say they can't afford it, yet there will be a brand new four wheeler or pickup sitting in their driveway, etc. Dogs that have been friendly don't typically just attack unless somehow provoked or they're protecting something. (And before anyone starts bashing me, I have been the victim of a dog bite/attack at the age of 7. I still love dogs. In fact, I never blamed the dogs because I knew it was due to how they were raised (absentee owners) and that they were protecting the friend I was with.) I feel horrible for what happened to this boy, and we'll sadly never know the whole story.

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